It’s hard to believe it, but June is already upon us. While visions of vacations, beaches and pools dance in your head, we here at Adventure Hours aren’t ready to say goodbye just yet. With fun games to be played outside and birthdays to celebrate, there is still loads to do before we can officially say “Hello” to summer!

As the weather continues to improve, we are trying to truly enjoy time in the playground.  Please send your child with sunscreen already applied as well as a hat (labeled with their name).

Last day of Programming

***Our last day of programming will be Tuesday June 25th, 2024. ***

***We will reopen Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024.***


The Graduation Ceremony will be held for all of our friends on Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 at the W.I.S.H. Centre (177 King Street East). We will begin the festivities at 9:15 a.m. Your child will receive a diploma, a report, an Ages & Stages Questionnaire, and a small gift from their teachers. We hope to see everyone there! As always, grandparents, siblings, aunts and uncles are always welcome to share in the fun! 

While refreshments will be provided, a list will be posted at the sign in book for anyone wishing to donate additional treats. Once your child receives their diploma, they may leave the W.I.S.H. Centre or remain for the rest of the ceremony, ending by 11:00 a.m. 

Thank You!
Mabel - puzzles

Gracie-Mae -diapers, pull-ups

USB Photos

Pictures of the children are regularly taken over the course of the year. If you wish to obtain digital copies of all your child’s pictures, please bring in a labeled USB drive to Miss Steph. This will be placed in your child’s graduation folder. Miss Steph must receive the USB drives NO LATER than Thursday, June 20th. 

Happy Birthday!!

Morleigh - June 7  

 Aima - June 7

Nova - June 15    

Chloe H - June 18

Miss Michelle -June 21

William - June 23

Finn - July 10  

 Ryerson - July 17 

Aarav - July 23    

Maverick - July 27

 Jackson - Aug 8

  Pearl - Aug 17

     Kaileigh - Aug 18    

    Skylah-Mae Aug 21  

      Josiah - Aug 23    

Toby - Aug 26 

Elsie - Aug 31

 *All summer birthdays will be celebrated in June!


The Nursery School will be CLOSED for the summer months starting after Wednesday, June 26th. Miss Shelley will be at the Nursery School once a week to check and return voicemails and emails. Please check our Website or Facebook page for any pertinent updates.

 If you have any questions regarding anything over the summer months, please do not hesitate to call and leave a message. Someone will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Attached to this newsletter is your calendar for June!

Change of Enrollment

If your child will not be returning in September or requires additional/or different days for attendance, please fill out the
Change of Enrollment form that has been sent home and return to Miss Shelley. 

Final Thoughts of the Year

Well this brings a close to another wonderful year here at Adventure Hours! A lot of our friends will be going to “big school” in September and although we are very excited for them, we will miss them very much! 

As for our younger friends, we look forward to spending more time together, as well as helping them accomplish new goals.

Have a safe and fun summer! 

Love, from all of your Adventure Hours Teachers,

Miss Shelley, Miss Michelle and Miss Stephanie 

June 2024

Calendar and Newsletters